Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Know that you are known

The other day I was sitting in my car and venting for hours on end about life, love, my dreams, my desires, my failures and all the other things that we emotional people do. As I continued to rattle on, verbally vomiting on my poor companion, he gently stopped me and said this to me. 

"Jim...I feel as though you need to know that you are known."

It seems so simple but the truth is WE ARE KNOWN. We are known personally by the creator of the universe. He recognizes us! People that is so profound! The very God who knit together the universe, who painted the stars in the sky, who breathed forth oceans and spoke mountains into being, that God! He knows us and loves us. So many times we can get so bent out of shape over not getting that "job" or that "relationship" or "that A+" that we worked so hard for. Sometimes life can be so big that we feel as though we can't take another step. And sometimes life gets to a place where we feel as though no one understands us (or at least anyone in their right mind). But that's just it. You're known. Jesus had nine inch nails driven through his hands and feet so that on the day that you stand before God he can say to you, "My Son, YOU ARE KNOWN."
-The Albatross


  1. Very well put and a wonderful comfort!

  2. I really enjoy reading your blogs man (: they are uplifting and really well written. love u man - Kim
